WISCONSIN Mid-West Farm Report
State: WI
Affiliates: 38
AMR: #1
Broadcasters: 5
Programs: 5
% Ag Production Coverage: 85%
One-hour long format program, plus additional reports in key listening times.
Fabolous Farm Babe, Pam Jahnke, serves as trusted Farm Director.
Farm Newspapers rank highest among those farmers responsible for purchasing when ask about which two publications they would choose to receive.
Younger farmers anticipate a 50% increase of their consumption of media via newspapers or mobile access of websites.
The smartphone power users are those less than 45 years old – texting, email, visiting ag websites and using ag apps are the top ranked uses with more than 80% of users.
Younger farmers take action more frequently with local newspapers than any other publications studied.
Research shows that high electronic media consumption correlates to high traditional media consumption. Information seekers are engaged with all media.
State Farm Newspapers drive more conversions than any other publication across every category. Translation: When you want action, put it in the paper.
I love the fact that the J.L. Farmakis website includes a “one-stop shop” for audience demographics, maps, specs, contacts – everything media planners need to efficiently analyze media opportunities in our target markets. It is easy to use and kept up-to-date – and available 24/7 – which is very valuable to me – and my clients.
Farm newspapers get picked up and read first by farmers regardless of age, more than the other print magazines in the study. They are regarded as “most useful” among print alternatives.
I have worked with them for over 15 years. During that time I have found J.L. Farmakis, Inc. to add tremendous value to our team. Not only are they professional and full of new ideas, but their contacts in our industry are also second to none. If you are looking for a team that is constantly helping you improve your product and at the forefront of the industry, then you want to work with J.L. Farmakis, Inc.
We’re proud to have the J.L. Farmakis, Inc. team as a partner in our business. They invest in people and research, delivering results for our bottom-line. RRFN is a better company because we are associated with J.L. Farmakis, Inc.
The value they bring, based on their experience and knowledge, is hard to beat. It’s a very competitive business, but they work hard putting together packages that meet our needs, and fit our client’s budget.